Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Why hold on?

America is not user friendly.
  • Landlords charge as much as they can, employers pay as little as they can get away with
  • Employers fire as many workers as they can, have the ones left standing work two jobs for the price of one, while CEOs pay themselves enough money to buy a small country
  • The environment is poisoned. the food supply is poisoned, the water is poisoned, the air is poisoned, the ice caps are melting, the ocean is fished out, mountains have been strip mined, we have nuclear waste we don't know what to do with, and more
  • A "good" job means working 60hrs/wk, a bad job means you need two jobs.
  • Health care is for the wealthy.
  • People's lifestyles are sickness producing.
  • A fat, sluggish populace that knows more about American Idol than American politics
  • The media picks the candidates in elections by giving billions of dollars of free advertising, which they call "news coverage", to one or two candidates, and freeze out the rest
  • In a supposedly "free" country, people go to jail for smoking pot, and can not marry the person they love.
  • In California, under the 3 Strikes Law, people are serving life in prison for stealing a VCR or a bicycle.
  • People are encouraged at every turn by advertising to sell themselves into economic slavery by running up their credit cards.
  • 9/11 was an inside job http://www.wanttoknow.info/9-11cover-up
  • elections have been hacked http://www.wanttoknow.info/electionsinformation
  • True peace and satisfaction are rare commodities, not to be found in the mainstream world
  • Tax Laws, really all laws, favor the wealthy http://perfectlylegalthebook.com/
  • The whole system is a carnivorous one in which the poor and middle class are just a big feed lot for the super rich to eat.
So why hold on to a dysfunctional, brutal,
cruel system
that offers lots of ways to lose and
not many to win?