In many spiritual teachings there is the concept of non violence in thought, word, and deed, the idea that just not hitting somebody is only one level of non violence, that violent words and even violent thoughts really do harm. Larry Dossey, Lynn McTaggart and others have done studies on the healing power of thought.
What if, on some level of consciousness that we are not aware of, every thought and feeling that you had towards someone was known by them. What if George Bush, Dick Cheney, karl rove, and all the different powers that be all around the world, could feel the hatred and anger that, for instance, many "progressives" hold.towards them? What if, on some level, these violent thoughts and words are felt as blows, as being hit. Is that going to make these already contracted, spiritually and emotionally suffering people, who were often damaged in their childhoods, more compassionate towards others, or is it going to make them contract more, and say fuck you too.
My belief is that within everyone there is a conscience, and that, on some level, those who oppress others, in many ways, really do feel shame and guilt. Gandhi got a lot more done than if he had thrown bombs, although i do wonder how far he would have gotten with Hitler. Still, whatever the physical actions, if the inner intention and feeling is violence and anger, it will at the least be less effective than action from compassion, and very possibly counter productive, and i realize how easy that is to write, and how hard that is to do, especially if you are suffering as the result of oppression.
Be well,
Jay Dancing Bear