Friday, April 27, 2012


Got an election flyer in the mail from someone against "Obamacare". Whether you are for or against,
Obamacare is not the issue. The real issue is, what kind of healthcare are we getting?

1) American medicine is a for profit industry. There was a chart making the rounds on Facebook showing how much the same services and procedures cost in different countries. America is by far the most expensive, in some cases 6x more expensive.
Overcharging is the simplest layer.

The incentives are to make as much money as possible, and this means
*emphasizing treatment rather than prevention
*suppressing or ignoring unprofitable treatments
*ignoring the nutritional, psychological and environmental causes of disease

i mean, think about it, is the incentive to come up with a cure for a disease that you take one time and costs $10, or subject you to a lot of expensive procedures and get you addicted to expensive drugs that treat the symptoms temporarily, and leave you needing more?

Anyone who researches this stuff can't help but come to the conclusion that it's a big scam.

2) Looking a little deeper, our society is a factory for disease. Poisons in the air, food, water, workplace,  electromagnetic radiation from everything from cell phones to flourescent lights, and not just physical toxins, but tons of psychological stressors. It's a very stressful society to live in, even if you're "successful".

3) and now the ground floor: what kind of care are people taking care of themselves? Are they exercising, eating a good diet, doing de-stressing practices, in short are Americans taking responsibility for their own health, or are they living unhealthy lives and then going "Doctor, fix me".

These are the real issues.

Here's a link to an earlier blog post of mine on Western Medicine.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Metaphysics, Materialism and left wing politics

Two of the main threads in my life are metaphysics, especially how it can be used for my personal and spiritual growth,  and politics, which has so much to do with creating (or destroying) the environment i live in every day . I've spent a lot of time and energy trying to reconcile my understanding of how they relate, and at this point i want to put out a few ideas.

For the most part i agree with the views of the left, but the energy is often just so hard to take. Victimhood, anger, blame, judgement, arrogance, condescension, hostility, and don't think that i haven't expressed, often and vehemently, all these energies myself. If i was a right winger or a businessman, no way i'm listening to people who are attacking me.
My view is that all this is coming from fear. At least in my own case, that's what i find.

The question, is this productive or counter productive. To meekly lie down and get used for a doormat, fuck that. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, but ultimately, to squeak and to blame are different.

In my own personal growth work i have found that it is far more effective to focus on the positive results i do want than to endlessly fight against my flaws, to be positive, rather than negative against negativity, and that's getting results for me. I've been reading peace pilgrim's Steps toward inner peace, and i'm finding it inspiring. This is a woman who walked 25,000 miles in 28 years, starting when she was 45 years old, to deliver the message of Peace across america, and i believe that many of the seeds she sowed have bourne fruit.

It seems to me that those who have spiritual beliefs have greater power in the political arena, indeed in everything they do. Would Civil rights, or the abolition of slavery, or Gandhi have happened without this. It is so unfortunate that so many people have reacted to the problems with Christianity and it's hypocrisy and abuses that they have thrown the baby of spirituality out with the bathwater of the corrupt church, and yet, without a spiritual fountain of strength, people are often left feeling small and helpless against the large forces of selfishness and greedy exploitation shown by those in power, in contrast to the strength one draws from having a spiritual root for the power to flow into you.

Just to be clear, i'm talking of real spiritual grounding such as the Quakers or Gandhi had, not some empty lip service. This only comes from practice. Yes, there are plenty of people whose version of spirituality includes not getting their hands dirty with politics, but sooner or later everyone on the path will take what they have learned and apply it to the service of making the world a better place for everyone, not just themselves.

I really think that all of us who are against Corporate Personhood, against GMOs, against economic injustice, against environmental pollution and environmental racism, against repressive government surveillance, etc,----i think we need to start being for things, and most especially, our energy needs to shift from all the negativity to a more engaging view of those whose actions are creating problems as misguided, wounded and wrong, but not evil, not demonize them, nor hate them, and i think that true effectiveness comes from a spiritual perspective.

Somewhere it says "Hatred does not cease by hatred, but by love alone. This is an old law, ancient and inexhaustible". I'm starting to believe that applies just as much to politics as to personal relationships.

My ideas on Christianity and the Bible

*for the most part i find the bible a very brutal, harsh and unkind book, 
with perhaps %5-10 nuggets of inspired teaching.
*I think the Bible has very, very little to do with the actual teachings of Jesus,


Right at the beginning i would like to state that i revere Jesus as a great spiritual teacher, one of the greatest. Indeed, both Hindus and Buddhists, even Muslims, also revere him, they just don't believe he was the only one or the last one. 
I am not writing this to deride or attack Christians, but to point out what seem to me to be great logical inconsistencies.

1 So many so called Christians seem much more concerned with who to hate than who to love.
This seems directly opposite to Christ's teachings.
They seem so angry about Gay Marriage and abortion.  Hundreds of millions of children and adults are starving worldwide, indeed here in America, people lacking the basic necessities of life, yet there are no propositions put on state ballots to outlaw starvation and other sufferings.

Also, it's confusing to me how so much of the military is made up of followers of a man who said to turn the other cheek, and how so many Christians believe in War. The answer i come up with is that most so called Christians give lip service to Jesus, but in practice follow the old testament judgement, punishment and anger model.

Many people who consider themselves Christians seem very accepting of brutality and violence, even torture and genocide, whether it's war, football, movies or television. On the other hand, they seem to be very condemning of expressions of sex, intimacy and pleasure, as the incident at the Super Bowl a few years ago epitomized, where seeing Janet Jackson's breast was deeply shocking for many viewers, while the game itself, where large grown men try to hurt each other, was exciting and interesting.

I think that this has caused a great deal of stress and mental illness through the ages. People were and are taught to not accept their own sensual natures, to be at war with themselves, often living their whole lives in a state of dis-ease (this goes triple if you are gay).
Not a prescription for a healthy society.

I have met some very good, kind, loving people who are bible believers, but they seem to be the exception, not the rule.

2 Christians say that it's true because the Bible says so, and that one should just trust that authority without questioning, as well as trusting whatever their preacher says.

I can't help but contrast the Buddha's statement that one should not accept what he said blindly, but rather test whether it is of worth and use, with the Christian belief that one should not expose oneself to other beliefs because one might be swayed by the devil. Christianity doesn't seem to show much confidence in either the doctrines or the believers.

It seems to me that Christians are taught to not question their beliefs, to not think creatively. Instead, they are taught to unquestioningly, blindly obey authority, and they seem to carry this into every realm of life. Unfortunately, it seems to me that this is the root cause of authoritarian governments, and the big reason why politicians and other authority figures can lie and get away with it, because people have been trained to obey and not question authority. An unthinking, unquestioning populace seems to me a terrible basis for democracy.

Christianity says "believe and be saved", in contrast to the Eastern idea of experiencing truth through various practices. The Christian monastic tradition has some sense of this, and Christian mystics like Meister Eckhart and Theresa of Avila certainly experienced God, but how many contemporary Christians, especially evangelicals, have any idea at at that a Christian mystical tradition exists?

The Eastern traditions teach that man has a dual nature, higher and lower, that it is our task to get in touch with our higher nature, and that no matter how bad our deeds, it is like the sun hidden by dark clouds. In contrast, the biblical traditions teach that man is vile and depraved, original sin, and that we need mercy and forgiveness because we're so bad. Maybe that's true, i don't think so.

In addition, many Christians believe in eternal damnation, that is, spending all eternity being tortured, and believe that if they don't believe in the Bible, perhaps even go against it, they will be in eternal suffering. In effect, a gun is put to their heads and they are terrorized and coerced into not questioning, "believing", and of course these are the children of children of children who for many generations were similarly terrorized and brainwashed, told to give up critical thinking and using their own judgement, trained to just blindly obey.

It is very difficult for me to take seriously the statements and beliefs of people who have been terrorized into submission since earliest childhood, by people who were similarly terrorized into submission.

How difficult it must be, after years, indeed generations, of being threatened with the most horrible punishment for questioning what you have been told, to open your mind to a dispassionate evaluation of that dogma.

Take a look at a book entitled The Year Of Living Biblically, by A.J. Jacobs

3 Most self identified Christians seem to have no idea of the history of how the Bible was put together, or what the teachings of the early church were. Some don't even know that the Catholic and Protestant bibles have a different number of books.
Many Christians seem woefully ignorant of some of the most important parts of their religion. Many don't seem to even know that the Bible was put together at the order of the Roman Emperor Constantine, and that the politics of which texts to include and which to exclude made American politics look like a day in the park.
How many bible believers know that Matthew and Luke were not written by Matthew and Luke, but by people writing in their names who had never seen Jesus.
How many people know that scholars generally consider that, in the early years after Jesus, there was a short manuscript containing the sayings of Jesus, and that this is the basis for much of the words of Jesus found in the bible. Scholars call this document "Q".
How many people know of the great diversity of very different Christian doctrines in the first 200 years after Christ, or that many early Christians believed in reincarnation?
see Lost Christianities
Take a look at the work of Bart Ehrman,  for example
Misquoting Jesus, The Story behind who changed the words of the bible and why

How many people know that Yahweh, Jehovah in the Old Testament, was the war god of certain tribes

There is even scholarly evidence that Jesus may have accepted homosexuality (see link below)

Things are nowhere near as simple as many people who consider themselves christians believe.

4 The words of Jesus constitute about 2 per cent of the pages of the bible. In practice, i think that this is about how much so called "Christianity" has to do with Jesus.
The bibles i have seen are about 1300 pages. The old testament is about 1000 pages, about %70 of the bible, the New about 300 pages.
Of these, about 130 pages are the four gospels directly about Jesus, about %10 of the total bible.
If one takes a highlighter and highlights only the words of Jesus, they come to maybe 20-30 pages, or about %2 of the total words of the bible. I really don't understand why they call it Christianity when there is so little directly by Jesus and not much more directly about him.
It seems to me that most people who call themselves Christians should really call themselves Biblists, and perhaps even Old Testament Biblists. I realize that these people consider that the Bible is the word of God and their connection with Jesus.

 Try this exercise:
Get a bible you don't mind marking up.
Take a highlighter, highlight all the times in the Old Testament the angry Jehovah is pissed off and threatening punishment,
then go through the new testament and highlight all the instances where people are found wanting, there are a number of those.
On the other hand, if you take a different color highlighter and highlight those spots where god is happy and pleased with people, not so many. Try it, don't just take my word for it.

Statistically speaking, the main message of the Bible seems to be that people are bad and deserve to be punished, especially they are bad and deserve to be punished for not obeying the authority of the Lord.
And what terrible, disproportionate punishment;
to be sent to a torture chamber for all eternity, with no second chance

I simply cannot believe that a loving "Father" would do this. For me, on this rock alone, the whole thing founders, loses credibility.

Just looking at the words of Jesus, what i see is him forgiving the woman taken in adultery, giving the Sermon on the Mount, practicing non-violence, telling Peter to put up his sword, saying "as you do to the least among them you do it unto me". The teachings contained in the words of Jesus are often totally opposite to what i see believed among Christians, especially conservative christians and fundamentalists. That's why i think they should call themselves Biblists, rather than christians. One of the things i find admirable about Christianity has been the message that no matter how bad your sins, God loves you, and many people, criminals, etc, have turned their lives around based on that, but that seems to be one of the few loving parts of the dogma.

My perception is that proselytizers often do a "bait and switch"; god loves you, but when you get a little farther into it, he'll send you to a torture chamber for all eternity if you don't obey him. I've read in a number of auto-biographies how children woke up with nightmares night after night after being scared by this horrible prospect.
God as the greatest terrorist of all

Based on all the research i have done, my belief is that the bible was compiled by the Roman Empire as a way to instill the concept of obedience to authority on the most visceral, deep rooted level, using the horrible threats of eternal torture as a way to terrorize and coerce people into believing, with the carrot of heaven to entice people. Let's not forget that there were many, many manuscripts around at the time the bible was compiled. The bible is a collection of only a few of those manuscripts, chosen by men who had a purpose behind which teachings were chosen for inclusion and which were excluded. My belief is that, on the whole, the manuscripts chosen for inclusion gave the message of FEAR AND OBEY, while more spiritual teachings of love and compassion were, for the most part, excluded.

I have met very few people who i would consider Christians. Mostly i have met biblists who called themselves Christians, a name to which i think they have as much right as Ronald Reagan would have had to call himself a Marxist, which is the opposite of who he was. It often seems that people who start by talking about Christ ultimately worship a book, a book put together by men for their own purposes.

I think that many of these people were so terrorized in childhood by the message that they would be tortured for all eternity, that they were coerced into accepting a text which, if titled more accurately, could be called People are Bad and You're Going to Be Punished Really Harshly.
I see this "people are bad and deserve punishment" attitude showing up in every political issue conservative christians get involved in; long prison sentences for often small offences, capital punishment, acceptance of torture as American policy, Wars, disdain for the poor and needy, etc. It's a very logical consequence of the message which statistically predominates in the bible, which is that people are bad and deserve punishment

In summary, 
for the most part i find the bible a very brutal, harsh and unkind book, 
with maybe %5-10 nuggets of inspired teaching and
i think the bible has very, very little to do with the actual teachings of Jesus

and yes, i have read large parts of it. Most of the pages i read were soaked in blood.

I think Jesus' name has been used as a cover for many beliefs which are completely opposite to what he taught.  Church history shows that many times the name of Jesus has been used to justify all sorts of ugly, harsh, unloving, generally bad behaviour, such as burning people at the stake, torture, .....

Christianity teaches original sin, that we are essentially bad and need to be made good. In contrast, Hinduism teaches that we are all God incarnate, and our path is to remember that, while Buddhism teaches a similar idea that at our essence we all are all enlightened, yet have forgotten, in the dust and clouds of craving and aversion which obscure our true nature. That makes a huge difference in people's psychology.

Christianity teaches that if one only believes, they will be saved, while the Eastern Religions believe that no one can do your work for you, you have to do it yourself. Teachers are for guidance, support and inspiration, but ultimately you have to walk  road the road yourself. This makes a lot more sense to me.

There are still some people who genuinely carry on in what seems to me the spirit of Christ, who think about what they read and pick the wheat from the chaff, and i'm all for that, for the spirit and teachings of an enlightened, loving Christ, instead of the image of an angry, punishing Jehovah so often presented as being Christianity.

The question for anyone who considers themselves a Christian:
if the Bible can not be trusted, how can you know Christ and live in a way that accords with his spirit and teachings.   
Good Luck

New Poems, San Diego, Spring 2012

For a number of years I've been visiting San Diego several times a year to visit family, usually staying anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months each visit. With the wandering lifestyle which i have been living for years, i get to stay places as long as i want, and here in SD my friend Tom has been a saint about letting me stay in his guest room or back cabin.

I don't drive, so it's very difficult for me to get out to many places: SD is so spread out, and the bus system isn't so great on nights and weekends. This means that i spend a lot of time around the house drinking tea, doing practices and processing all the stuff that comes up whenever i see my mother. 

These are the poems i have written so far on this visit, also wrote 6 songs, but that's another story.

be well,
jay dancing bear

Internal Weather
My heart is a locked box
Condensed Light
This too shall pass

Internal Weather
Internal Weather
Mental, Emotional, Physical, Spiritual

The forecast early today is for:

obsessive, fearful thoughts
often focussing on politics and the Environment
often as a result of reading the news on the Internet
but sometimes more personal

resulting in
raging emotional storms
often invisible to others

resulting in
upset stomach, back trouble
headaches, general weakness
and other problems

Later today, expect periods of calm
resulting from practices such as
meditation, qigong, yoga, forgiveness, affirmations
resulting in remission of symptoms
until the next storm breaks out

all the while, the Spirit, the Higher Self
waits for the clouds to part long enough
for the sufferer to realize that
the sun is always shining
the earth just turns away sometimes

we make our own weather

My Heart is a locked box

My heart is a locked box
a box to which only you hold the key
if only i knew who you were

I have never met you, and so
I wait aimlessly
only half believing that you will ever come

Condensed Light

The higher frequencies are hard to handle
the clarity, the energy, the feelings of aliveness
You would think that i would spend as much time as possible in them, but they feel uncomfortable to this
deadened, slogged down, fear filled, shame filled, guilt filled
walking corpse, which needs to squash down any feelings of clarity
which might cause it to feel some very deep,
unpleasant layers of feeling

am i being overdramatic?
or just telling the truth 
the real reason that
so many people seem to deaden themselves
by every means possible
anything to not feel
the unbearably painful feelings buried deep within

like a moth drawn to a flame
no matter how much we numb ourselves
we are always drawn by the light to rise again

to fly, to soar, to go deeper and deeper
into the kingdom of light which is inevitably pulling all of us
by the force of its' magnetism, and the fact that
we all are, in the final analysis,
nothing but
condensed light 


This Too Shall Pass

Ultimately everything becomes a memory
a photo

a line in a journal
a frozen moment in time
a dimly remembered feeling

The river of time just keeps flowing on and on
today's dreams
tomorrow's achievements
the day after tomorrow's recollections
maybe even a mention in a history book

so here we are i am
it's so important what happens to me us
it really is
kept in the perspective of

this too shall pass



Awakening from a long dark dream, a dream
that has lasted lifetimes, a dream
that started when i got so hurt that
i turned bitter, cynical
a dream where everything i saw
by "saw" i mean all the conceptions and
interpretations I held in my mind

of what i "saw" in the "world" in "people" was
filtered through a dark cloud of smoke
of disappointment
especially disappointment in myself, and, by extension
because people are people and i am a person
disappointment in others
a focus on the negative, the selfish, the cruel
who needs newspapers or the evening news 
to present their distorted, slanted litany of war, murder and greed
when i was carrying my own filter
which even the Buddha would have trouble being seen through
if he were here in person, rather than some distant ideal

Awakening to find that
there is suffering, and
there is joy, and
i have a choice, and
it takes work, and
anyone can do it
even me

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Label GMOs rap

I met a guy named Freedom at a health food store yesterday. He asked me to write a GMO song. What came out was a rap. Anybody who wants to use it in any way, go ahead, i don't need to get credited. Feel free to modify as needed

Hell no/ i ain't no/ guinea pig for GMOs
Hell no/ they can't use me/ just to make their blood money

They'll sell me poison just to make a buck
When i get sick they don't give a fuck
They tell me that it's all been tested
Lying motherfuckers all ought to get arrested

Hell no/ i ain't no/ guinea pig for GMOs
Hell no/ they can't use me/ just to make their blood money

In Europe they won't eat that shit
Frankenfood's the name they give to it
They don't believe those corporate lies
It's time for Americans to get wise

Hell no/ i ain't no/ guinea pig for GMOs
Hell no/ they can't use me/ just to make their blood money

Americans can't trust no government agency
They work for the Man not for me
Big Business tells them what to do
Government agency just push it through

Hell no/ i ain't no/ guinea pig for GMOs
Hell no/ they can't use me/ just to make their blood money

They plant the seeds on Factory Farms
Seeds don't stay put they blow around
They fuck up the small farmer's crops
This shit ain't right it's gotta stop

Hell no/ i ain't no/ guinea pig for GMOs
Hell no/ they can't use me/ just to make their blood money

Monarch butterflies well they all are dying
Birds migrating gotta keep flying
All around the planet's hurting
This GMO shit just ain't working

Hell no/ i ain't no/ guinea pig for GMOs
Hell no/ they can't use me/ just to make their blood money

They always trying to sneak GMOs in
to every food we eat it's a sin
to put in GMOs that haven't been tested
enough to know if they should be ingested

Hell no/ i ain't no/ guinea pig for GMOs
Hell no/ they can't use me/ just to make their blood money

We say Label cause we got a right to know
what's in the food we eat Label GMOs
Label GMOs so we have a choice
Speak  up loud use your voice

Hell no/ i ain't no/ guinea pig for GMOs
Hell no/ they can't use me/ just to make their blood money

So speak up loud let them hear your voice
label GMOs so we have a choice
or better yet ban GMOs altogether
don't eat that poison you'll feel better

Hell no/ i ain't no/ guinea pig for GMOs
Hell no/ they can't use me/ just to make their blood money

Hell no/ i ain't no/ guinea pig for GMOs
Hell no/ they can't use me/ just to make their blood money