Corporate Personhood is an inherently absurd, ridiculous idea.
The idea that a legal fiction should have the same rights as a human being is insane.
Who gets rights next? Mickey Mouse? Bart Simpson? Family Guy?
The egghead that came up with this idea must have really smoked a lot of wacky weed that night!
The only way that this could have gotten into law was to pay someone off, and that's what happened.
People are more often persuaded by appealing to their guts and hearts, not so often persuaded by appealing to their minds.
I live with Republicans. They turn off when then hear about court cases and bad corporations. They listen when you make statements like the ones above.
The anti corporate personhood movement has to frame it's arguments in basic terms that even the truck driving, country music set resonates with.
George Lakoff, at the Rockridge Institute, has done incredible work on this subject. Anyone running a political campaign, which this is, needs to read his work. There is a link below.
The best way to end corporate personhood is to ridicule it to death.
Along with this, I strongly suggest adopting PETA's tactics of naked protests, especially naked celebrities. PETA has demonstrated an amazing ability to educate people, change behaviours, and get laws passed, all because they decided to accept people as they were, and deal with them on those terms, which means PETA staged one stunt after another, got tremendous media attention, and took advantage of the fact that people idolize stars and pay attention to what they say.
One naked movie star demonstrating against corporate personhood would get more media attention than a wonky petition with 100,000 signatures, or imagine 1000 naked women in front of the white house, including a scattering of celebrities of all sorts, shouting "Abolish Corporate Personhood Now".
This movement can be dignified, respectable, stuffy, wonky, intellectual, and lose, or it can be
Wild, loud, in your face, and win
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