Election day not a national holiday, elections on a workday
=discriminates against workers
This tells you the truth right away
A) Who gets to vote?
1) Who gets to register
2) Who gets wiped off the rolls (florida 2000)
3) Are there enough voting machines (ohio 2004)
B) Who do they get to vote for?
1) Winner take all=Lesser of two evils
In most cases third party candidates have no chance, people are afraid of throwing away their vote
i.e. Ralph Nader
2) Instant Runoff Voting, Proportional Representation=every vote counts
C) How honest is the vote count
1) Electronic voting machines = stolen elections
Paper ballots harder to steal an election
D) How is the process financed?
1) Campaign contributions =legal bribery
2) Corporate money allowed as "free speech"
No money=no chance to win=candidates sell out
E) How do we find out what the candidates have to say
1) Role of media
a) corporate owned
b) covers some candidates more than others, shuts out 3rd party candidates
c) sound bites, slogan advertising
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