Why is it that business owns government, that so many laws and regulations benefit the rich at the expense of everyone else, and how can we change that?
And why is it that businesses seem to get away with doing whatever they want, regardless of the effects on the public? often, as Ralph Nader puts it, privatizing profits while socializing costs, meaning they get the profits while we pay the bills to clean up the messes they leave?
So many causes, so many issues, and underneath so many of the problems of America, 2 main roots:
1) the fact that we don't have elections, we have auctions.
2) Corporate Personhood is a licence for crime, an incentive for bad behaviour, a get out of jail free card (actually you never get charged, you get rewarded for crimes). Individual responsibility is the basis of morality and ethical behaviour, at the minimum not doing something you will be punished for. With Corporate Personhood, CEOs and other executives have protection from consequences, which encourages them to make decisions that will boost their own profits and salaries, even if people die.
1) if we removed the money from politics, totally, so that we didn't have a system of legalized bribery, in which those with the most money got what they wanted, and
2) Individuals were responsible for intentional violations of the law, and criminal negligence (of course there are normal mistakes, and this is not what i am talking about), then
the government, elected officials, would be a lot more likely to deal with issues on their merits, not just whose money they need.
Ok, everybody knows the problems, here's one important suggestion for a solution:
What if every separate group working on fixing all the problems formed a united front, came to the realization that there are underlying master causes that result in all the specific problems, realize that until the government is not bought and paid for by the highest bidder, and until the CEOs have personal responsibility for the havoc they wreak, that it's going to be a whole lot more difficult to create positive change (and it can still happen).
It like complaining about a crab apple tree producing crab apples. What do you expect. The system is totally corrupted, and until the rules of the game change, what do you expect. I get so frustrated by all the well meaning people who don't seem to understand this.
So what if Greenpeace and MoveOn and everybody else got on the same page and started a united campaign to talk money out of politics and end Corporate Personhood. It's time.
and as for the environment, global warming, pollution, etc, the key issue is that the costs are not factored into the price paid. Stuff is cheap only because the total costs, the costs of disposal, of pollution, the costs on human health, the costs when the earth and the oceans and the atomosphere get polluted and degraded, the costs are not included in the purchase price. As a society, America is in denial that stuff is very expensive, when all factors are included.
So, all costs need to be factored into purchase price, a very inconvenient truth indeed, which i believe is one intention of carbon taxes. So then we get into issues of factories closing, which brings up the whole issue of an economy founded on material production and consumption, which is inherently unsustainable.
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