Sunday, December 9, 2012

i do not hate the rich, and i do not want a revolution

I want to clarify one point. I do not hate the rich, i have no problem with some people having more than others, even much more. i don't begrudge it to them, i'm not jealous, i don't think they're bad people just because they've got a lot of bucks. I've met a lot of nice people who have money.

What i do have a BIG problem with is cheating, rigging the game, taking advantage of your position of power to exploit people as much as possible, to pay people as little as you can and charge them as much as possible in rents and other costs, so that you can engorge your already bloated asset sheet, while people go homeless and lack the simple basics of life.

i believe in the old fashioned values of an honest day's work for an honest day's wage, and a system that treats everyone fairly. An honest day's wage means a living wage, a wage such that you can take care of your expenses and have something left over. I do not believe that is happening today, not just in wages, but in every facet of economic life. How can a millionaire pay a lower percentage of their income in taxes than a factory worker. How can a landlord take depreciation allowance, while a house owner can't. Why do you pay sales tax on the purchase of a hammer , but not a stock market transaction.

It's cheating, pure and simple, legal cheating because of legal bribes to government officials in the form of "campaign finance contributions", so that loopholes are added to obscure provisions of bills, often at the last minute, under the cover of darkness.

In my opinion, it's only a small percentage of the super elite who engage in this deliberate corruption of the system. My understanding is that most people with large incomes are trust fund babies who get their checks, they leave it to the money managers, usually one or two people in each family, to handle the business. The end result is the same, a system designed for the rich to get richer by feeding off of the rest of society.

In simple terms,
The poor and the middle class are just so much hamburger for the top tenth of one percent
The system is rigged
Government is bribed

so what else is new?
and as for revolution

I want change, i want evolution, i want what i consider fairness and decency.
I do not want a revolution, i don't want chaos, i don't want bloodshed, i don't want a violent takeover of the government. I don't need punishment of those i consider to have been wrongdoers in this situation, i just want for things to get to where one can make a decent living doing honorable work, which i wish would include being an artist, which is who i am.

The average person, including me, can live with the fact that they're being exploited, so long as we can still get by. What concerns me is that ruling elites tend to get stupidly, arrogantly, blindly greedy, rather than just plain greedy, and take so much that the common people don't have enough to live on, as in the French revolution. No longer content with %90, they want it all, and then things falls apart. In many cases, the situation gets worse after a revolution than before. I don't want that.

Fox news and right wing folks talk about the radicals on the left. My opinion is that the people the plutocracy needs to fear are the tea party types with guns in their hand, because when it does finally get through their thick skulls that the plutocracy has, in effect, declared war on them, they will fight back in the way they understand, violence. Left wingers talk a lot, sign petitions and post on Facebook, but they're a bunch of peaceniks, myself included. For example, i really believe the old phrase "hatred does not cease by hatred, but by love alone". I don't think the tea party thinks that way.

I'm not saying any of this is going to happen, i don't want it to, i don't think it will. The reason i am posting this is just to make clear that i want positive change, not violent revolution.

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