Friday, April 27, 2012


Got an election flyer in the mail from someone against "Obamacare". Whether you are for or against,
Obamacare is not the issue. The real issue is, what kind of healthcare are we getting?

1) American medicine is a for profit industry. There was a chart making the rounds on Facebook showing how much the same services and procedures cost in different countries. America is by far the most expensive, in some cases 6x more expensive.
Overcharging is the simplest layer.

The incentives are to make as much money as possible, and this means
*emphasizing treatment rather than prevention
*suppressing or ignoring unprofitable treatments
*ignoring the nutritional, psychological and environmental causes of disease

i mean, think about it, is the incentive to come up with a cure for a disease that you take one time and costs $10, or subject you to a lot of expensive procedures and get you addicted to expensive drugs that treat the symptoms temporarily, and leave you needing more?

Anyone who researches this stuff can't help but come to the conclusion that it's a big scam.

2) Looking a little deeper, our society is a factory for disease. Poisons in the air, food, water, workplace,  electromagnetic radiation from everything from cell phones to flourescent lights, and not just physical toxins, but tons of psychological stressors. It's a very stressful society to live in, even if you're "successful".

3) and now the ground floor: what kind of care are people taking care of themselves? Are they exercising, eating a good diet, doing de-stressing practices, in short are Americans taking responsibility for their own health, or are they living unhealthy lives and then going "Doctor, fix me".

These are the real issues.

Here's a link to an earlier blog post of mine on Western Medicine.

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