Monday, May 7, 2012

Understanding the difference between Republicans and Democrats

To use an analogy from slavery days: there were "good" masters who made sure their slaves got enough to eat and did not work them to death, and there were bad masters who said fuck em, but neither of them questioned the institution of slavery.
Today, the Democrats are the "good" corporate capitalist party who think the wage slaves should at least have some semblance of a decent life. The Republicans are the corporate capitalist party that says we shouldn't waste money on people who aren't rich, but both parties totally accept the idea of corporate capitalist plutocracy.
You can tell this right away by the fact that election day is held on a workday and is not a national holiday, which makes it a lot harder for working people to find the time to vote.

Given the current system, which gives third parties almost no chance, the Democrats are clearly the superior choice, but it still sucks.

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